Title 1
What is Title 1?
Title One is the largest federally funded education program that provides resources to school districts who meet eligibility requirements. Title One funds help improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged students. In order to be a Title One school, a school must have at least 40% of its students on free or reduced lunch by the 135th day of school the previous year. All Darlington County students receive free lunch.
Parent Involvement:
In person volunteers must complete a background check which is found on the Darlington County School District website.
Parent feedback and suggestions are welcome to grow our school and further meet the needs of all students at The Bay Road Elementary. We truly appreciate parents reading all documents sent home, as well as filling out any surveys, feedback forms, or other important documents. Your opinions matter to us and we want your support.
Parents Right To know:
Parents have the right to learn about the following qualifications of their child's teacher:
state licensure requirements for the grade level and content areas taught
the current licensing status of your child's teacher, and baccalaureate/graduate certification/degree.
you may also request the qualifications of an instructional paraprofessional who serves your student in a Title I program or if your school operates a schoolwide Title I program.
Parents/Guardians may request this information from the building principal.
BRE Curriculum:
Teachers are using the Darlington County School District Curriculum guides to plan lessons that align with the State standards of South Carolina. All students are learning literacy, math, social studies, and science.
Parent conferences are held formally twice a year in the Fall and Spring. You may request a parent conference with your child’s teacher at any time!
Assessment & Data:
- MAP testing (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
- Fountas and Pinnell reading level assessment (Fall, Winter, and Spring)
- KRA, PALS, MyIGDIs, Dial 4
- DCSD Benchmark Assessments
- DCSD ELA & Math - Unit pre and post assessments
- Classroom assessments
- SC Ready
How are Title 1 funds used?
Employ a reading interventionist, multiple teacher assistants and classroom teachers
Purchase Instructional supplies
Purchase books for classroom libraries
Student Incentives
Classroom materials and supplies
Parent Engagement activities